Handy resources for object modeling and flow diagramming, including quick reference PDFs.
Drawing programs
The example object models and flow diagrams were created using LucidChart, but any similar drawing program will suffice. For object modeling, use the shape palette for a UML class diagram; this palette will have the three-paneled rectangle for creating objects.
Shapes for a UML class diagram
Collaborative object modeling
Creating a preliminary object model that defines objects and their relationships can be done as a team, either in-person or virtually. In both cases, objects are captured on post-its.
Working in-person on paper, identify objects using 3x3 post-its; capture relationships on larger, 3x5 post-its. Arrange the post-its on butcher paper to create a preliminary model, drawing lines on the butcher paper to show the connections. A team can also build a preliminary model using a virtual collaborative workspace such as Mural.
Building a preliminary object model with post-its and butcher paper
Object Modeling Quick Reference
Download Object Modeling Quick Reference as a PDF.