Object modeling

The Narrative Object Model is a simplified approach to object modeling targeted at UX professionals. For greater clarity, it describes relationships between objects using plain-English narrative rather than more cryptic UML notation. For an overview of the method, refer to my original Medium article Object Modeling for Designers: An Introduction.

Some example models from my upcoming book on object modeling are below. These models are for illustrative purposes, showing main representative functions rather than complete real-world systems.

Twitter model

The model for Twitter highlights two key objects—Tweet and Timeline.

Objects are color-keyed according to their primary purpose. This model also includes annotations for actions limited by role (whether or not the user is the Tweet author).

Example object model for Twitter

E-commerce model

The e-commerce model uses color to highlight the core purchase experience. The key object is Product.

An example e-commerce object model

Slack model

The key object for Slack is the parent object Message, which has two children: Direct Message (sent to individuals) and Post (which is published in a Channel).

Example object model for Slack